Tuesday, December 16, 2014

An open letter/Ode to rice

Dear Rice, 

Let me begin by saying how much I owe thee. For breakfast, lunch and dinner you provide nourishment for my body and give me the energy to study Chinese. Whether I eat you in the form of soup, pancakes, or simply in a bowl, you are delicious and healthy. I love how you take at the most 20 minutes to cook in a rice cooker and you pair well with every kind of food. 

Nonetheless, we need to have a talk. I think we need a break. Although you are tasty, sometimes I just want meat and potatoes. No hard feelings. It is not you, it is me. I am not used to eating you 24/7. Rice in porridge-form,  pastries-and-candy-form, in soup, for lunch and dinner, I am kind of going crazy. 

So although  I would be happy if we could take a short break from each other, I would also like to thank you and remember, it is not you it's me. Besides there are over a billion other people that cannot imagine having a meal without you. 

Sorry not sorry, 


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